Unpacking Shoplifting Addiction: Why Do People Steal?
Unpacking Shoplifting Addiction: Why Do People Steal?

Ever wondered what compels financially well-off people to steal? And why do people shoplift random things from a store without being able to explain why they did what they did? Read ahead to learn more about what drives people to shoplift incessantly.

Our certified counseling services provide you with prompt and adequate help so that you can better control your emotions and come out of any trauma you are going through or any addiction you need to get rid of.

The comprehensive counseling solutions and shoplifting addiction help address all your problems through the holistic approach our counselors take. The warm and understanding therapists will help you with anger management, shoplifting addiction and guide you out of your grief and addiction using their experience and expertise. Our comprehensive mental health services are designed to cater to your mental and physical health.

To Compensate For a Loss

A high percentage of individuals who shoplift do so out of a response to some sort of loss. They may resort to stealing in an attempt to fill a void they feel and cope with the emptiness. When they experience or anticipate a meaningful loss, they’re compelled to steal similar to how some people turn to alcohol or drugs.

There may even be symbolic meaningfulness attached to the items they steal. For instance, a person whose loved one recently passed away may steal something that reminds them of them, or something that they associate with their death.

Out of Peer Pressure

A lot of young shoplifters steal out of peer pressure. This is especially the case among teens and adolescents who may be pressurized into stealing things by their friends and classmates. An act of shoplifting is often seen as admission into a specific “cool” group of youngsters. Similarly, they may be pressurized to shoplift as a dare, and follow through with it to appear bold and fun.

Another way peer pressure plays a role in shoplifting is when kids steal certain items because all their friends have them and they can’t afford to buy one. For instance, if everyone in their class has the latest set of stationery, they may be tempted to sneak it out of the store when the salesperson’s not looking.

being isolated from friends

Due to Depressive Symptoms

Mental health is also related to shoplifting tendencies. According to one study, 18% of the serial shoplifters who participated in the survey were reported to have clinical depression. They turned to shoplifting as a coping mechanism, in an attempt to counter feelings of apathy and alleviate the emotional turmoil within.

Depression also triggers shoplifting behaviors among teens and kids. In fact, kids who “act out” and are caught stealing things habitually are often doing so because of their deteriorating mental health.

To Kill Boredom

Some people also shoplift just for fun. They enjoy the rush of adrenaline that comes with stealing things, and continue to do so to kill boredom. These people largely report having good mental health and thrive on the enjoyment that comes out of their actions.

Because It’s An Addiction

The “high” that follows an act of shoplifting isn’t only a cause of stealing for individuals who’re merely killing boredom. It also affects people who have addictive-compulsive tendencies. A simple incident of stealing an item from the grocery store can soon become a nagging addiction because of the exhilaration it brings. Being able to avoid getting caught and feeling a sense of power can compel them to steal over and over again, to the point that it becomes an addictive pattern they can’t break out of.

At Comprehensive Counseling Services, LLC, we offer various mental illness counseling Winder. These include shoplifting prevention program, anxiety management, and substance abuse treatment Winder. Learn more about our services here.